Only available until December 30, 2023


How many of us are ‘disappointed’ with life’s circumstances?  We have so many questions to which many there appear to be no answers. Yet, there is emuna.

Emuna stems from wisdom of the soul not of the bodily mind (seichel).  It is a place that is beyond bodily awareness and understanding.  For this reason, we live by the motto, ‘When intellect kicks out, emuna kicks in’.  Emuna takes us to places far beyond worldly logic and attaches us to G-dly supernal wisdom, a place of truth beyond our human capacity.

The soul originates from the heavenly spheres; a piece of eternity.  Emuna which is a soul power and force; thus it is boundless and without restraint.  No matter how deep we probe man’s logic it cannot feed the ‘emuna mind’.  The soul’s essence extends far beyond the power of worldly reason.

In Tehillim (130:7) it is written: “Israel will hope to Hashem for with Hashem’s kindness and with Him is abundant (f’dut=redemption)”.  We await the time for G-d’s compassion to be openly revealed, right now we cannot see it and our hearts may even be closed to it.  However we turn to the immense soul power of emuna and the teachings of the Torah where it states time and again “You are My children” – I love you and am bringing you to Geulah.

As a result we are infused with love, happiness and security that dismiss any thoughts of abandonment, unworthiness or punishment. Emuna is our answer.

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