Only available until December 30, 2023


Our mouths are a great gift from Hashem. Aside from the fact that it serves as an amazing outlet for relieving our worries, it is also a channel which increases emuna awareness.  

Uttering words of emuna simply speaking strengthens our emuna.  Speaking words of emunat Hashem gives voice to the thoughts in our mind.  Our hearts are affected by our words; hence the beautiful words of Tehillim (116:10), “I believed so that I spoke; I humble myself exceedingly” .

A mouth full of emuna words takes the worries away!

Our ratzon (will)to improve is also greatly affected by the words that we utter.  Our heart listens to the words and is inspired by them.  This serves as a motivating factor for change and self-improvement.

Speaking divrei emuna provides us with the power to change even those behavioral patterns that were taught and given to us in early childhood.  Our parents have a continuous effect on us as a figure of authority and we must deal with that influence in a responsible way. There is no denying it; we have a built-in system that must be approached and sifted through in order to embrace the positive and release the negative. 

This is part of our Lech-Lecha journey that did not only apply to Avraham Avinu but to each of us everyday of our lives. 

Part of fulfilling the mitzvah of kibbud Av v’Ehm (honoring our parents) is connected extracting our emotions towards them.  In fact, this builds our ability to honor our fellow brethren as well. Explore how you speak to your parents and notice the similarities in the way you speak to others. You’ll be surprised how your words point you to your emotions and point you to the direction of healing them.

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