Only available until December 30, 2023

When the soul departs from the body and returns back to its source it is now in a pure spiritual state.  As a result the prayers that we relate to the tzaddik ascend to the higher planes as the soul of the tzaddik rises to the upper realms.  Our prayer then is gifted with the privilege to be delivered by the tzaddik before the Holy courts. 

Another amazing benefit when davening in the merit of a tzaddik is that we are granted spiritual insights which enable us greater clarity in comprehending and accepting our difficulties.  This level of greatness can be attained by each one of us according to the extent of the connection and closeness we share with the tzaddik.  The grander the arousal of abundant love and submission, the more we can draw down siyatta D’shmaya through the tzaddik.  By clinging and connecting to the holy words and teachings of the tzaddik the radiance of the tzaddik’s love and fear can be captured by us.

A huge benefit that is imparted upon us when visiting the holy resting place of the tzaddikim is that when we arrive we are filled with a great power of emuna which causes us to enter a state of self-nullification.  We are easily able to give over our entire being and pour out our words before Hashem from the depths of our heart.  We feel remorse over the enormous distance that we sense to have from HaKadosh Baruch Hu. 

When we concentrate our thoughts on teshuva, the love and fear generated in our hearts cause the tzaddik’s soul to be stirred as well.  The gift that we can walk away with after visiting the tzaddik’s gravesite is in a sense a new life from the light of his Torah and avodah.  This occurs due to the aura of Gan Eden that encircles his place of burial.  Placing our head over the kever where the tzaddik’s nefesh rests allows our words to be enveloped in the sensation of Gan Eden which is present there.

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